
Almond Mylk

Making your own homemade almond mylk is the best way to have a fresh non-dairy milk without any preservatives. All you need is some organic unpasteurized almonds (we love the heirloom almonds- the taste is unbeatable), a powerful blender and an organic cotton milk bag.

Save the pulp to make crackers, raw cookies or a fabulous creamy nut cheeze (recipe on website).


2 cups of organic unpasteurized heirloom almonds
2 cups of spring or filtered water

Soak the almonds for 12 hours in a glass container with spring or filtered water. Drain and rinse well. Pop the skin off each almond - this might seem a lengthy process but it’s a fun and important step to enhance absorption of all almond nutrients.

Blend the almonds with the water in a high speed blender (like Vitamix) for 3 minutes. Use the nut milk bag to squeeze as much almond mylk as you can and store in a glass container or drink right away.