
No Fail Kale Salad

This salad recipe is very easy to make and has a great taste.



1/2 cup organic papaya chunks
1/4 cup fresh organic lime juice
1 inch fresh organic ginger, peeled
1 inch fresh organic turmeric, peeled
1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon Celtic salt
2 tablespoons spring or filtered water


organic kale, chopped
organic leek, white part only, cut rounds

Blend all the dressing ingredients in a high speed blender (like Vitamix) until all smooth. Add water if necessary. Take 2 minutes to massage well the dressing into the salad leaves with your clean hands. Enjoy at room temperature topped with sprouted seeds, nuts or raw coconut chips.