Creamy Nourishing Halvah

Halvah is a traditional Middle Easter sesame dessert that’s not too sweet and is slightly dry and chewy. This recipe gives traditional halvah with a delectable creamy flavor that we are sure you’ll savor. You can cut it in squares and wrap it individually - just don’t let it get too warm and soft. Did you know that sesame seeds are high in copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and fiber? This delicious dessert will fortify your body.

2 cups organic raw whole sesame seeds, light color*
6 tablespoons organic raw coconut manna
1 cup organic raw macadamia nuts**
1 organic vanilla bean, cut in pieces
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
2 tablespoons filtered water
organic Kal stevia to taste

optional: organic sugar free, gluten free chocolate chips to decorate

Grind the sesame seeds and macadamia nuts in a high speed blender (like Vitamix). Add the rest of the ingredients and process until they form a dough. Place it in a glass pan covered with unbleached parchment paper. Decorate with chocolate chips if you choose and refrigerate until it becomes hard. Cut with a sharp knife into small pieces and enjoy.

* wash the sesame seeds in 1 teaspoon of food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide and water for 20 minutes. Then rinse and soak for 8 hours In filtered water. Dehydrate for about 12 hours at 105F until all the seeds are dry. This washing and soaking process eliminates the bitter flavor.

** wash the macadamia nuts in 1 teaspoon of food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide and water for 20 minutes. Then rinse and soak for 8 hours in filtered water. Rinse again before use.